Presentation on a stage by a woman
Presentation on a stage by a woman

Become a better negotiator by understanding what is going on in your brain during negotiations.

How well do we know ourselves? Often we tend to overestimate this and repeat the same familiar processes, while expecting the results to change. Only by identifying the 'blind spots' in our approach, can we improve them and become better negotiators.

The best negotiators possess qualities such as empathy, a focus on building relationships, and the ability to come up with creative 'win-win' solutions. It is remarkable that these skills align with our understanding of neuroscience, enabling us to effectively harness and manage our cognitive processes. At &FLUENCE, we believe that gaining insight into how the brain functions leads to improved decision-making at the negotiation table. Therefore, we have teamed up with BrainExplainers and developed the training program, The Negotiator’s Brain.

Our training leverages the synergy of our expertise and offers a fresh perspective on negotiations by dissecting what happens at the negotiation table and in your mind. We do this by taking a deep dive into how your brain functions during negotiations, so that you can feel confident in your approach and negotiate with others with full confidence. Negotiations should not be seen as an arm-wrestling match, but as a dynamic way to enhance relationships with others through mental empowerment, trust, and communication, making it easier for all parties involved to get what they want.

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